Teaching Assignments and Class Schedules

Faculty members are assigned to teach specific courses by the Chair.  The primary considerations for course assignments are prior teaching experience, subject expertise, and shared responsibility among the faculty for service and introductory courses.  Questions regarding teaching assignments should be addressed to the Chair.  In the case of a dispute concerning a request for reassignment, the faculty member may request review by the FAC, which will make a recommendation to the Chair.

Every instructor is expected to meet classes at the regularly scheduled times. In the event of absence due to illness, the instructor shall notify the department office. Absences for other reasons should be cleared with the Chair, using the proper authorization of absence forms.

Scheduling of classes is the responsibility of the Assistant Chair, with approval of the Chair.  The primary consideration for scheduling classes is student need with regard to meeting program or major requirements within a reasonable time frame.  In addition, the scheduling of some classes may be determined by the need to serve non-traditional students.