
August College Meeting Organizational Visioning PPT


Strategic Visioning working group agendas

Summary of Themes and Ideas from the EHHS August College Meeting, Organizational Structure Activity

Shared themes across many groups:

  • Most groups identified an EHHS College structure with either 2 or 3 schools.
  • In the 3 school model, a common theme was: School of (1) Education, (2) Health Sciences, (3) Human Services.
  • In the 2 school model, there were variations but many included (1) School of Education, (2) School of Health Sciences.
  • Many groups recommended programs to move to the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship including: Sport Administration, Hospitality Event Management, Rec Park and Tourism Management, and Hospitality and Tourism. Management. A few groups also included other programs such as Long Term Care Administration and Higher Education Administration.
  • There were some recommendations to move programs from other colleges to EHHS. These included Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (A&S), education programs in other colleges, MCLS (A&S), Nursing, and Public Health.
  • A consistent theme was for all teacher licensure programs to be together in the same school- including those currently in other colleges.

Variations on the themes:

  • One group recommended that EHHS becomes the College of Education with non-education programs merging with other units to create new colleges or moving to other colleges.
  • One group recommended the College of Public Health join EHHS as our 4th school (and pairing existing schools from 4 to 3).
  • One group recommended the creation of a College of Health Sciences/Allied Health to include Nursing, Public Health, and our current Health Sciences programs.

Recommendations, Thoughts, and Unanswered Questions

  • PROS (Professional Studies) serves all students in EHHS. Where is the best place for this program?
  • ASEI (American Sign Language English Interpreting) – should this be in education or human services? Should it be paired with ASL?
  • CCC (Career and Community Studies) – where should this program be housed?
  • RMS (Research Management and Statistics)- this program serves many programs in EHHS. Can this be a college-level program? Should it be broadened and become a university-level program and be used across the university?
  • INDL (Interprofessional Leadership)- this is a program that serves students across different schools. Where should this be housed?
  • LTCA (Long Term Care Administration)- should this be in ACCBE?
  • SEPP (Sport and Exercise Performance Psychology)- is this a health sciences program or human services program? What about paired with psychology as one of their concentrations?
  • PWS (Physical Activity, Wellness, and Sport)- where should these programs be housed? With PESP? Or at the college level? There was a recommendation to be with the Rec Center.

*Please note, this summary does not indicate what will or will not happen, but is a summary of the ideas created by members of EHHS during the opening of school college meeting, Activity 2. It is intended to reflect some of the various ideas generated. 

Strategic Visioning Working Group - June 17, '24

Strategic Visioning Working Group

Monday, June 17, 2024

1. Summary of meeting with Larry Gibson

2. Enrollment Trends in EHHS

3. If time- review themes

4. Next steps for July 1st and July 15th meetings

Summary of meeting:

  • Michael Bell provided a Power BI document that showed enrollment trends across the college since 2016.
  • Kathy showed working group members how to use the file – ways to sort and filter.
  • Explained some of the nuances of the data.
  • The working group reviewed the data together and talked about questions for the next meet with Larry Gibson.
Strategic Visioning Working Group - June 3, '24

Strategic Visioning Working Group

Monday, June 3, 2024

  1. Resources:
    1. EHHS 2024-2025 Directory
    2. Active Academic Programs
  2. Continue sharing themes from college meeting
  3. Review notes- what did we miss?
  4. What ideas do YOU have that were not shared?

Meeting Talking Points:

  • We continued to review the ideas from the college meeting, identified themes, and discussed themes in more detail.
  • Next steps include getting information about programs in EHHS (enrollment trends) and asking Larry to come to a future meeting to talk about the budget. 
Strategic Visioning Working Group - May 20, '24

Monday, May 20, 2024

Strategic Visioning Working Group Agenda

  1. Recap from last Tuesday
    1. How did it go in your groups?
    2. Comments/observations?
  2. Review of the information collected
  3. Begin to identify themes
  4. Talking points from meeting to share:
    1. The working group began to review the ideas that were collected at the college meeting. Initial themes were identified and discussed.
    2. The working group didn’t get through all the ideas - just the initial discussion.
    3. The working group identified some additional information needed as we move forward:
      1. Financial/Budget information from Larry- we will ask him to come to a meeting in July.
      2. Organizational chart for EHHS- including departments, centers, all programs, etc. Kathy and Aaron will see how we can get this information.
      3. Next meeting: we will continue sharing ideas from the college meeting and continue identifying main themes. 
Strategic Visioning Working Group - May 8, '24

Agenda – EHHS Organizational Working Team Meeting

May 8, 2024

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Charge for the committee

3. Plans for college meeting

  • Two parts
  • b. Goal of the college meeting
  • c. Parameters

4. Email to the college inviting them to attend

5. Your role at the college meeting

a. Group structure

  • i. 8-10 people
  • ii. 12 groups

b. Group facilitation

  • i. Keep your group on the time schedule provided
  • ii. No idea is a bad idea at this point
  • iii. Make sure everyone gets a chance to be heard
  • iv. Ensure that all ideas are captured and collected

c. We will provide step by step instructions. Please review them in advance.

6. Next steps and plans beyond college meeting

Summary/talking points from the meeting: The meeting focused on planning the Tuesday, May 14th EHHS college meeting.