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University policy regarding collection, retention and dissemination of information about students

  1. Purpose. In order for the university to achieve its goal of providing for the optimal educational development of its students, it may accumulate and maintain records concerning their characteristics, activities and accomplishments.
  2. Policy operation. In order to provide for and protect the privacy of its students, the university will collect, retain and disseminate such information according to the following principles:
    1. Students will have access to information about themselves and its uses in university records.
    2. Procedures will be established for a student to challenge and correct or amend an inaccurate record.
    3. The university shall insure that student information is not improperly disclosed or used for other than authorized purposes without the student's consent, unless required by law.
    4. University personnel who are custodians of data files containing sensitive information shall take reasonable precautions to insure that student data are reliable and not misused.
    5. Policy and procedures concerning collection, retention and dissemination will be in compliance with state and federal law.
  3. The president shall promulgate necessary administrative regulations to implement this rule.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 9/30/2005, 6/1/2007