4 - 06.2

Administrative policy regarding sale and distribution of food on campus

  1. Purpose. Registered student organizations, recognized residence hall groups, and university departments may sell or distribute food only if they do so in conformity with the following rule.
  2. Operational procedures.
    1. A sales and solicitation permit must be obtained and displayed, as outlined in rule 3342-4-11.5 of the Administrative Code.
    2. Sales or distribution of food may not take place in established food service areas which are: regional campus culinary operations locations with health licenses, Kent student center, university library, student center plaza, Eastway, DI HUB, tri-towers rotunda, recreation center, and the residence hall dining halls.
    3. Sales in the established areas requires an approved food and beverage waiver. Sales in other areas require an approved food and beverage waiver for all events where sales or purchasing will exceed two-hundred dollars.
    4. Sale or distribution of light snack items for fundraising purposes.
      1. Light snack items such as donuts, rolls, cookies, and beverages not requiring refrigeration may be sold or distributed from behind reserved tables. Meat, meat spreads, cheeses, fish, fish spreads, cream products, meringues or other prepared foods may not be sold in this manner.
      2. Milk or milk products used as an additive to coffee or tea must be maintained under electric refrigeration at a temperature of forty-five degrees or less. Coffee lightener must be served in a covered container.
      3. All food must be individually wrapped or enclosed beneath plastic or kept in a covered box. All food shall be stored and displayed as to be reasonably protected from flies, dust and pollution caused by unnecessary handling or other contaminations. When the service is such that the customer serves themselves, proper serving utensils, such as tongs, must be provided. The organization salesperson is responsible for seeing to it that customers do not serve themselves by hand or in other inappropriate ways.
      4. The use of plastic and wood utensils is allowed. Individual, dispensable stirrers must be available.
      5. All food must be processed or prepared in a licensed food service operation or in an establishment or place meeting equivalent requirements of the Ohio department of health. In order to ensure the freshness of any commercially prepared food being sold, the organization must maintain receipts at the site noting date and place of purchase.
      6. The food sales site and all utensils and devices must be open to inspection at any time by university environmental control agents or appropriate university personnel.
      7. The selling and distributing organization is responsible for normal cleaning of the sales site at the end of the daily sale or distribution period, including proper wrapping of all perishable garbage and removal of all food crumbs or liquid spills.
    5. Sale or distribution of food items as part of a program must be in conformity with the following guidelines:
      1. Category one food examples are as follows: crackers; popcorn; chips; pretzels; pop; punch; coffee; tea; hot chocolate; S’mores; fresh fruit; orange juice; watermelon; nonalcoholic beverages; cider; bread; buns; popsicles; rice; candy bars; mints; caramel apples; fried vegetables; peanut butter; jelly; dried fruits and nuts; and syrup. Foods in category one require that the individuals handling the foods ensure that good personal hygiene practices be followed.
      2. Category two food examples are as follows: cookies; donuts; baked beans; cake; nachos/heated cheese; butter; brownies; condiments; fruit pies; canned soup; danishes; Christmas cookies; pancakes; and french fries. Foods in this grouping require clean areas of preparation and serving. This means that if the product is prepared in a kitchen, that area must be kept clean and free of potential contamination.
      3. Category three food examples are as follows: dip; vegetable trays; spaghetti; pizza; tacos; milk; pumpernickel-spinach dip; hot dogs; bacon; eggs; cider; bagel/cream cheese; subs; cold cuts; chili; hamburgers; and ice cream. Foods in this grouping require temperature control either through refrigeration or heating. These foods are products that can cause food illnesses if not kept at proper temperatures. Foods that need to be kept cool must be kept at forty-five degrees or below and cooked foods must be kept at one hundred forty-five degrees or above. Sale or distribution of foods in this category requires prior consultation with authorized departmental staff and university food service officials. If needed, the items in category three must be prepared by and obtained from a licensed food service vendor.
      4. Category four food examples are as follows: barbecued beef; roast beef; chicken; pork; potato salad; potluck dinners; Chinese foods. Foods in category four are foods that must be prepared and served by a licensed food operation. These foods are not permitted to be prepared or served by individual organizations.
    6. Any food products that require refrigeration or that have been cooked that are left from the event must be properly discarded once they have been served.
    7. Packaged foods that have not been opened may be saved and reused.
  3. Request for waiver. A request for waiver of any part or provision of paragraphs (B)(4) to (B)(7) of this rule must be submitted in writing to the director of environmental health and safety by the appropriate representative of the student organization, residence hall group, or university department.
Policy Effective Date:
Jan 10, 2022
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/5/1979, 1/22/1988, 6/10/1991, 9/30/2005, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015