BdREN Fiber

Bangladesh is a riverine country. The country-wide optical-fiber network will be established using optical fiber that is borne over the power-grid line. The Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) has already provided the dark-fiber. Soon, engineers will begin ‘lighting’ more than 4000km of fiber network crisscrossing the remote parts of Bangladesh that will form the core network for BdREN. The network will be using the latest Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology. It can support enormous bandwidth and is expandable to meet future needs of the country. With 10/100 Gbps light paths, BdREN ambitiously aims to connect all universities, research institutions, libraries, laboratories, healthcare, and agricultural institutions across the country and to support geographically dispersed academics, scientists, and researchers with reliable access to high-end computing, simulation tools, and datasets.

Prof. Dr. Javed Khan with BdREN Chief Technical Officer Mohammad Tawrit and BdREN Consultant Prof. Hasan Sarwar

BdREN Fiber









BdREN Fiber